This spring and summer, Joe and the Crew have been involved in a large addition project in Easton, Connecticut.
The project was twofold. The owners were planning on building an addition to their home. First, a Foundation for this new building would be dug. And with plans on having a full basement with high ceilings, that would be quite a dig!
Second, this addition required a full septic system replacement. Often, when one is looking to build an addition, the town will require a new system to be installed, so as to meet the needs of the new building.
The septic was completed and inspected by the town of Easton. Meanwhile the Foundation was dug, and building began. Now, with months passed, the project is nearing completion. The new building is up, and the final Earthscaping is about to begin. Stay tuned for some beautiful completed photos!
Progress Report:
- Scarification compleate
- Excavation for the leaching fields and concrete galleys have been placed, and backfilled with gravel
- Excavation for plastic septic tank, and tank placed
- System covered, final Earthscaping on back system area complete, lawn planted
- Foundation dig complete
- Footing drains excavated and pipe run, gravel placed
- Foundation backfilled
- Propane tank dug, placed, and lines run
- Terraced gardens Earthscaping dug, walls complete,
- Final topsoil placed, raked, seeded,
- Front lawn raked and seeded, hay spread, final lawn planting complete
(last updated Oct 29, 2014)